Friday, September 11, 2015

Denim on denim

So denim on denim is the easiest outfit on earth to put together when you feel like you have nothing to wear in your closet. Just threw on that button up chambray and jeans a and your good to go! To add my twist to iconic outfit I added some color with my bright red lip and, statement necklace and a bright wedge.

I can be really indecisive and couldn't decide which pic to post: with necklace or w/o necklace!? (I like both looks, so I posted both hehehe) Which do you like better???

Chambary button up: Forever 21
Jeans: Urban Outfitters
Necklace: Anthropolgie
Wedges: Shoedazzle

Much love Xxx

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Stripes on stripes

Hello there! Did you know today is national stripes day? Just joking! I know it was corny. There just happens to be a lot of stripes in this blog post. I just wanted to show of this flowy blouse I snagged at Anthropologie this weekend. It so simple but yet expressive. That what I strive to emulate in my wardrobe!

Much love xxx

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Black & white

So this outfit is the best I could come up with on Easter Sunday. For some reason I do not own very many dresses. I need to step my dress game up! Any way,  thanks for checking out this post!
Jacket // Urban Outfitters
Jogger pants // Anthropologie
Heels // Jeffery Campbell
Shirt // H&M

Much love xoxo

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Happy new year friends!
Well, it's my first post of the new year! I wanted to channel my inner insect.... Just kidding it just so happen the colors I was wearing reminded me of a bee!  Hoping your 2015 is filled with beautiful memories, love, indescribable joy, and unexplainable favor! 

Bomber jacket // urban outfitters
Cropped yellow sweater // thrifted-diy
Pants // urban outfitters 
Sneakers // vans sk8 high
Flannel // h&m
Earrings // forever 21

Much love xx